Pursuing a career as a lawyer in BitLife can open up a world of new possibilities for your virtual character. However you need to follow the right steps to be successful to pursue your career as a lawyer. This guide covers all the necessary steps required to become a lawyer from your education path to landing your first job.
maintain high smart score
The first and most important requirement is to have a high smart score of your character. A high smart score will help you get admitted into a good law school in the future. It will also lead to good grades, which can potentially earn you a scholarship and save you from paying hefty tuition fees.
Once your character reaches the age of 12, make it a priority to visit the local library, this will help boost your characters smarts level. You can find this by navigating to the “activities section”, then selecting “mind and body”, and finally locating the “library” option. Regularly visiting the library will boost your character’s intelligence and smart score making it easier for you to pursue your career as a lawyer.
Additionally, be diligent about selecting the “Study Harder” option while your character is in school, to help them maintain high smarts score. You can access this by going to the School section within the app.
Using BitLife Bitizenship feature you can improve all the important key attributes of your character including the fame and relationship bar, which gives you a head start to progress in the game.
applying for university

After graduating from high school, be sure to select a major that aligns with the legal field, such as political science or criminal justice. Don’t forget to apply for a scholarship as this could help save you a significant amount on tuition fees down the line.
applying for law school
After successfully completing your university degree, the next step is to apply to law school. Getting accepted into a law program can be quite challenging, but it’s certainly achievable with the right preparation.
The key is to maintain a high smart score of your character. This can be accomplished through consistently reading books and frequently visiting libraries.
Applying for a lawyer job

After graduating from law school, it’s time to start applying for suitable legal roles from the Jobs tab. However, keep in mind that you won’t be able to jump straight into a lawyer position right away. The typical path is to first land an entry-level associate role at a law firm. This is your opportunity to get your foot in the door and begin honing your legal skills in a professional setting.
If you are looking for a fun and adventurous career checkout how to become an astronaut.
Key takeaways to becoming a lawyer in bitlife
- Keep your smarts score high from a young age.
- Graduate from high school.
- Apply for “criminal justice” or “political science” major in the university.
- Study hard to get good grades.
- After completing a degree in criminal justice, apply for law school.
- Graduation at law school would take up to 3 years.
- After graduation, find a job as an entry level associate and work your way up to the corporate ladder to become a lawyer.